Growing God's Kingdom Builders

A site to provide parents and teachers with materials, content and suggestions on how to teach children about the curriculum in a modest and/or Godly light.

Establish Foundation

Ideas and games to help parents solidify/establish trust, a good relationship and open communication (so children can talk to parents about anything). Daily Bible reading, honesty, trust, transparency, sharing safely..
Please contact us with your ideas and resources to train up a child. in the way they should go... and in the walk with you.

Parents' Worksheet

This will provide a list of topics covered by grade and allows parents to consider and note their own thoughts on how they would like their children to view the subject.
Will include sample from a church's responses.

Schools and parents will need resources and an excellent response to share is from Peace, an organization that trains facilitators who in turn train teachers and equip parents.

This page also provides links...i.e. to actual curriculum in Ontario and Quebec.

History & Source

Where does the Ontario and Quebec curriculum come from?
What world wide organisation created the content?
Did you know who first funded the foundation to promote the curriculum 70 years ago the US?
Did you know what the first president of the association was famous for?
.Stay tuned for the details on this and on God's promise.

Yes it takes a village to raise a child but...
don't leave it to the people of the village. :)